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Analysis Of Water

Analysis Of Water

Water chemistry analyses are carried out to identify and quantify the chemical components and properties of water samples. The type and sensitivity of the analysis depends on the purpose of the analysis and the anticipated use of the water. Chemical water analysis is carried out on water used in industrial processes, on waste-water stream, on rivers and stream, on rainfall and on the sea. In all cases the results of the analysis provides information that can be used to make decisions or to provide re-assurance that conditions are as expected. The analytical parameters selected are chosen to be appropriate for the decision making process or to establish acceptable normality. Water chemistry analysis is often the groundwork of studies of water quality, pollution, hydrology and geothermal waters. Analytical methods routinely used can detect and measure all the natural elements and their inorganic compounds and a very wide range of organic chemical species using methods such as gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. In water treatment plants producing drinking water and in some industrial processes using products with distinctive taste and odours, specialised organoleptic methods may be used to detect smells at very low concentrations.

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In many cases the parameters will reflect the national and local water quality standards determined by law or other regulations. Typical parameters for ensuring that unpolluted surface waters remain within acceptable chemical standards include pH, major cations and anions including ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, conductivity, phenol, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).


1.Reverse Osmosis(RO)

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Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that uses a partially permeable membrane to remove ions, unwanted molecules and larger particles from drinking water. In reverse osmosis, an applied pressure is used to overcome osmotic pressure, a colligative property, that is driven by chemical potential differences of the solvent, a thermodynamic parameter. Reverse osmosis can remove many types of dissolved and suspended chemical species as well as biological ones (principally bacteria) from water, and is used in both industrial processes and the production of potable water. The result is that the solute is retained on the pressurized side of the membrane and the pure solvent is allowed to pass to the other side. To be "selective", this membrane should not allow large molecules or ions through the pores (holes), but should allow smaller components of the solution (such as solvent molecules, i.e., water, H2O) to pass freely.


In the normal osmosis process, the solvent naturally moves from an area of low solute concentration (high water potential), through a membrane, to an area of high solute concentration (low water potential). The driving force for the movement of the solvent is the reduction in the free energy of the system when the difference in solvent concentration on either side of a membrane is reduced, generating osmotic pressure due to the solvent moving into the more concentrated solution. Applying an external pressure to reverse the natural flow of pure solvent, thus, is reverse osmosis. The process is similar to other membrane technology applications.


Reverse osmosis differs from filtration in that the mechanism of fluid flow is by osmosis across a membrane. The predominant removal mechanism in membrane filtration is straining, or size exclusion, where the pores are 0.01 micrometers or larger, so the process can theoretically achieve perfect efficiency regardless of parameters such as the solution's pressure and concentration. Reverse osmosis instead involves solvent diffusion across a membrane that is either nonporous or uses nanofiltration with pores 0.001 micrometers in size. The predominant removal mechanism is from differences in solubility or diffusivity, and the process is dependent on pressure, solute concentration, and other conditions. Reverse osmosis is most commonly known for its use in drinking water purification from seawater, removing the salt and other effluent materials from the water molecules.


2.Tap Water

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Tap water (running water, city water, town water, municipal water, sink water, etc.) is water supplied to a tap (valve). Its uses include drinking, washing, cooking, and the flushing of toilets. Indoor tap water is distributed through "indoor plumbing", which has existed since antiquity but was available to very few people until the second half of the 19th century when it began to spread in popularity in what are now developed countries. Tap water became common in many regions during the 20th century, and is now lacking mainly among people in poverty, especially in developing countries.

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Tap water is often culturally assumed to be drinking water, especially in developed countries. Usually it is potable, although water quality problems are not rare. Household water purification methods such as water filters, boiling, or distillation can be used when tap water's potability is doubted. The application of technologies (such as water treatment plants) involved in providing clean water to homes, businesses, and public buildings is a major subfield of sanitary engineering. Calling a water supply "tap water" distinguishes it from the other main types of fresh water which may be available; these include water from rainwater-collecting cisterns, water from village pumps or town pumps, water from wells, or water carried from streams, rivers, or lakes (whose potability may vary).

3.Indutrial Water

Industrial Water Use

Water (H2O) is essential to most industries. It is used for a variety of purposes, such as cleaning or dissolving substances. The amount of water a country needs for industrial purposes varies widely and is low in mainly rural economies. Most of the water used by industry is not consumed and can be returned to the water supply. However, it has usually been degraded to some extent by the processes with which it has been in contact. Environmental legislation provides for treatment of this wastewater so it can be safely re-used by the population.

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Some industrial wastewater contains hazardous material such as heavy metals or acids. This needs treatment before entering the water supply. Often, this will be done on site and may involve filtration or neutralization. In recent years, industries and their products have been rated according to the amount of water they use. Water is, increasingly, a precious resource and industries need to conserve it wherever possible.

Industrial water use: Brunswick Cellulose paper plant, Brunswick, Georgia

Industries use water in many different ways. It could be a raw material, as in the food industry or pharmaceutical manufacturing. Water is said to be the universal solvent, so it is used for dissolving and diluting, and it also has a high specific heat capacity, so is useful as a coolant for its ability to absorb the waste heat that is produced by many industrial processes. Around half of all industrial water withdrawals are used for cooling purposes. It can also be heated to form steam, which can generate electricity, and so can be used as a local source of power. In industries making products intended for human consumption, such as pharmaceuticals or cosmetics, the grade of water used is important, with various levels of purification being required to remove toxins and bacteria. Water is also used to transport products and for general sanitation within an industrial plant.


According to the United Nations World Water Development Report, industry accounts for 22% of all global water withdrawals. This varies from 59% in high-income countries, to 8% in low-income countries. This is not as much as is used by agriculture, which accounts for about 50% of freshwater use. Agriculture consumes water, mainly in irrigation, returning little of it to the supply. Industry, however, tends to consume far less of its water withdrawals. Industry tends to use mainly freshwater, as saltwater is unsuitable for most applications because it corrodes the metal parts used in machinery. By 2025, industry will probably account for 24% of global freshwater withdrawals. Although much industrial water is available for reuse, it is usually degraded by the processes it has been involved in, and this type of wastewater will require treatment before its return to the water supply.

The electric power production industry, comprising hydroelectric, nuclear, and coal and oil-fired power stations, account for 50% to 70% of industrial water use. Paper and pulp production, chemicals, mining and metal processing, and petroleum refining all use substantial amounts of water in their operations. The amount of water used in producing various goods and services is called water intensity. Manufacture of a pound of paper takes about 3,000 gallons (11,400 liters) of water, while producing one car takes, on average, about 65,000 gallons (246,000 liters). A pound of aluminum takes about 200,000 gallons (757,000 liters) of water to produce and a hamburger around 1,300 gallons (4,999 liters).


Physical Properties Of Water Sample pH

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In chemistry, pH (/piːˈeɪtʃ/) is a scale used to specify how acidic or basic a water-based solution is. Acidic solutions have a lower pH, while basic solutions have a higher pH. At room temperature (25°C or 77°F), pure water is neither acidic nor basic and has a pH of 7.

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The pH scale is logarithmic and inversely indicates the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution (a lower pH indicates a higher concentration of hydrogen ions). This is because the formula used to calculate pH approximates the negative of the base 10 logarithm of the molar concentration[a] of hydrogen ions in the solution. More precisely, pH is the negative of the base 10 logarithm of the activity of the hydrogen ion.


At 25 °C, solutions with a pH less than 7 are acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic. The neutral value of the pH depends on the temperature, being lower than 7 if the temperature increases. The pH value can be less than 0 for very strong acids, or greater than 14 for very strong bases.


The pH scale is traceable to a set of standard solutions whose pH is established by international agreement.[3] Primary pH standard values are determined using a concentration cell with transference, by measuring the potential difference between a hydrogen electrode and a standard electrode such as the silver chloride electrode. The pH of aqueous solutions can be measured with a glass electrode and a pH meter, or a color-changing indicator. Measurements of pH are important in chemistry, agronomy, medicine, water treatment, and many other applications.


Pure water is neutral. When an acid is dissolved in water, the pH will be less than 7 (25 °C). When a base, or alkali, is dissolved in water, the pH will be greater than 7. A solution of a strong acid, such as hydrochloric acid, at concentration 1 mol dm−3 has a pH of 0. A solution of a strong alkali, such as sodium hydroxide, at concentration 1 mol dm−3, has a pH of 14. Thus, measured pH values will lie mostly in the range 0 to 14, though negative pH values and values above 14 are entirely possible. Since pH is a logarithmic scale, a difference of one pH unit is equivalent to a tenfold difference in hydrogen ion concentration.



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A temperature expresses hot and cold, as measured with a thermometer. In physics, hotness is a body's ability to impart energy as heat to another body that is colder.

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Thermometers are calibrated in various temperature scales that historically have used various reference points and thermometric substances for definition. The most common scales are the Celsius scale (formerly called centigrade), denoted °C, the Fahrenheit scale (denoted °F), and the Kelvin scale (denoted K), the latter of which is predominantly used for scientific purposes by conventions of the International System of Units (SI).

When a body has no macroscopic chemical reactions or flows of matter or energy, it is said to be in its own internal state of thermodynamic equilibrium. Its temperature is uniform in space and unchanging in time.

The lowest theoretical temperature is absolute zero, at which no more thermal energy can be extracted from a body. Experimentally, it can only be approached very closely, but not reached, which is recognized in the third law of thermodynamics.

Water temperature – State (Department of Environment and Science)

Temperature is important in all fields of natural science, including physics, chemistry, Earth science, medicine, and biology, as well as most aspects of daily life.


Common symbols


SI unit

Other units

°C, °F, °R







Conductivity (or specific conductance) of an electrolyte solution is a measure of its ability to conduct electricity. The SI unit of conductivity is Siemens per meter (S/m).

Conductivity measurements are used routinely in many industrial and environmental applications as a fast, inexpensive and reliable way of measuring the ionic content in a solution. For example, the measurement of product conductivity is a typical way to monitor and continuously trend the performance of water purification systems.


In many cases, conductivity is linked directly to the total dissolved solids (T.D.S.). High quality deionized water has a conductivity of about 5.5 μS/m at 25 °C, typical drinking water in the range of 5–50 mS/m, while sea water about 5 S/m[2] (or 5,000,000 μS/m). Conductivity is traditionally determined by connecting the electrolyte in a Wheatstone bridge. Dilute solutions follow Kohlrausch's Laws of concentration dependence and additivity of ionic contributions. Lars Onsager gave a theoretical explanation of Kohlrausch's law by extending Debye–Hückel theory.


3.Chemical Properties Of Water Sample 

Just like animals and humans living on land, animals that live in water need oxygen to survive. Oxygen from the atmosphere dissolves in river and lake water, and it is this oxygen that fish and other aquatic animals use to breathe. When water in creeks and rivers pours over rocks, oxygen can enter into the water. The picture below shows rapids in a glacial stream from Ellesmere Island.

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Oxygen levels depend on whether water is flowing or not, whether there are rocks or other obstacles for water to flow over, how many plants are growing in the water, and the temperature of the water. There is more oxygen in cold, flowing water with many obstacles and a moderate amount of plants. Plants take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen, but if there are too many plants all of the oxygen will be used up when bacteria decompose them after they die. Oxygen levels are higher in very cold water compared to very warm water. This might make us think that water in the winter has lots of oxygen but this is actually not true. During the winter, ice covers lakes and rivers and very little oxygen enters the water from the atmosphere– the lake is effectively sealed up. Oxygen in lakes changes with depth. In deep lakes that do not get very much wind, oxygen levels go down as we get deeper. In all lakes, oxygen is generally low right at the bottom where water meets the lake sediment or mud. This is because there are many bacteria and animals that live and breathe in the sediment. These bacteria and animals decompose dead material that sinks to the bottom and use up oxygen. In some lakes and ponds that have very low oxygen, we install aerators to keep oxygen levels high. This is quite common in lakes that are stocked with fish and in lakes that receive sewage inputs.

4.Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Water

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) represents the amount of oxygen consumed by bacteria and other microorganisms while they decompose organic matter under aerobic (oxygen is present) conditions at a specified temperature.

When you look at water in a lake the one thing you don't see is oxygen. In a way, we think that water is the opposite of air, but the common lake or stream does contain small amounts of oxygen, in the form of dissolved oxygen. Although the amount of dissolved oxygen is small, up to about ten molecules of oxygen per million of water, it is a crucial component of natural water bodies; the presence of a sufficient concentration of dissolved oxygen is critical to maintaining the aquatic life and aesthetic quality of streams and lakes.

The presence of a sufficient concentration of dissolved oxygen is critical to maintaining the aquatic life and aesthetic quality of streams and lakes. Determining how organic matter affects the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) in a stream or lake is integral to water- quality management. The decay of organic matter in water is measured as biochemical or chemical oxygen demand.  Oxygen demand is a measure of the amount of oxidizable substances in a water sample that can lower DO concentrations.

Certain environmental stresses (hot summer temperatures) and other human-induced factors (introduction of excess fertilizers to a water body) can lessen the amount of dissolved oxygen in a water body, resulting in stresses on the local aquatic life. One water analysis that is utilized in order to better understand the effect of bacteria and other microorganisms on the amount of oxygen they consume as they decompose organic matter under aerobic (oxygen is present) is the measure of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).

Determining how organic matter affects the concentration of dissolved oxygen in a stream or lake is integral to water-quality management. BOD is a measure of the amount of oxygen required to remove waste organic matter from water in the process of decomposition by aerobic bacteria (those bacteria that live only in an environment containing oxygen). The waste organic matter is stabilized or made unobjectionable through its decomposition by living bacterial organisms which need oxygen to do their work. BOD is used, often in wastewater-treatment plants, as an index of the degree of organic pollution in water.


5.Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is a second method of estimating how much oxygen would be depleted from a body of receiving water as a result of bacterial action. While the BOD test is performed by using a population of bacteria and other microorganisms to attempt to duplicate what would happen in a natural stream over a period of five days, the COD test uses a strong chemical oxidizing agent (potassium dichromate or potassium permanganate) to chemically oxidize the organic material in the sample of wastewater under conditions of heat and strong acid. The COD test has the advantage of not being subject to interference from toxic materials, as well as requiring only two or three hours for test completion, as opposed to five days for the BOD test. It has the disadvantage of being completely artificial, but is nevertheless considered to yield a result that may be used as the basis upon which to calculate a reasonably accurate and reproducible estimate of the oxygen-demanding properties of a wastewater. The COD test is often used in conjunction with the BOD test to estimate the amount of nonbiodegradable organic material in a wastewater. In the case of biodegradable organics, the COD is normally in the range of 1.3 to 1.5 times the BOD. When the result of a COD test is more than twice that of the BOD test, there is good reason to suspect that a significant portion of the organic material in the sample is not biodegradable by ordinary microorganisms. As a side note, it is important to be aware that the sample vial resulting from a COD test can contain leachable mercury above regulatory limits. If such is the case, the sample must be managed as a toxic hazardous waste

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